Complexity of Professional Practice: Professor Michael Eraut
Michael is the UK's leading authority on how professionals learn. Developing Professional Knowledge and Competence. His keynote address focuses on the ways in which people learn to become a professional in their chosen field drawing particularly on the research he has undertaken in the fields of nursing, accountancy and engineering. He draws attention to the role of enquiry in professional learning with a view to promoting discussion on higher education’s role in developing the capabilities and attitudes necessary to master the complexities of professional practice. Please download the handout before accessing the film clips. It takes about one minute to download the films.
M.E Part 4.mov
M.E Part 6.mov
M.E Part 7.mov
M.E Part 8.mov
What role does enquiry play in a professional's life and what forms of enquiry are used in different professional contexts?
Is enquiry essential to developing practice based, situated problem working knowledge?
Is enquiry essential to learning what knowledge can be transferred from one context to another?
Are the forms of enquiry learners encounter in the higher education institutional environment similar or different to those they will encounter in the workplace?
What is higher education's role in preparing learners for a the sorts of enquiry they will encounter in the professional work environment?
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